Monday, February 26, 2007

Kashi is on a Mission

Hello Friends. Remember me? I'll try to be like big sister Susie Cupcakes and blog more often in 2007. Anyhoo...let's move on to more important matters.

This arrived via UPS this morning.
I know it looks like I put Stevie there on purpose to be cute, but he really did climb in himself. So Kashi is trying to woo me. Why? I don't know other than the fact that I'm a dietitian. Maybe they think my nutrition skills are far reaching and by sending me $40 of Kashi samples I will recruit many Kashi eaters. Weird, no? The granola bars might be good. I hope they are good. I have 80 of them now. High fiber, anyway.

In more exciting news- I'm engaged! I'm to be wed! The cats will have a real daddy!
Here's the ring:

We're very happy. Planning a small destination wedding in Mexico next December. Woo!
India wedding TBD.