Monday, May 15, 2006

Life in Pictures

Gentle Readers,

I deeply regret to inform you that there will not be a "Weekend: Part 2" post. Blogger and I had some serious troubles back in March. We tussle over whether I should be allowed to upload pictures. Of course, this may have something to do with using a computer that was a free gift with a Toyota purchased in 2000. But that is neither here nor there. Let's catch up!

Visiting the Arboretum

It was still pretty cold when we went to the Arboretum (March-ish) and we were deeply in need of a flower/green thing fix. Unfortunately, we got there just before closing so it was a pretty short visit. Afterwards, we went to Boyfriend's most favorite restaurant.


We (this includes Boyfriend, the cats and myself) were thrilled with the air getting warmer. The cats could stick their noses up to the window screen and boyfriend and I were able to finally get back outside to walk and run. We trained for and completed a 10K race and also completed a 5K midway through our training. Stevie has also spent some time working on his pull-ups. He hopes to win the Presidential Physical Fitness Award this year.

Farm Time

We had Boyfriend's Nephew over for a sleepover a couple weeks ago. We watched Spy Kids and ate popcorn and then went to "Hugo Animal Farm" the next morning. It was an animal filled sleepover for the Nephew between the farm and Stevie being glued to his side the whole visit.

Festival of Nations

I have been meaning to go back to the "Festival of Nations" (FON) since I moved to Minneapolis. After 8 years, I finally made it. I forgot how fun FON is. FUN FON! Boyfriend and I tried out some Asian noodles, a gyro, humus, carrot & yogurt dip, and assorted pastries. We also bought some inexpensive sushi dishes at the Japan booth. I wanted a 6 foot tall giraffe at the Kenya booth, but alas, it was $650. Maybe next year.

St Croix River Inn

Boyfriend and I went to a B&B this past weekend. We have felt like we've been running around like crazy people pretty much since January between the move and India and busy jobs. And in keeping with my track record of B&B experiences, we both came down with a cold last week. Always sick at the B&Bs. Emergen-C, why did you let me down? Overall, though, it was nice to lie around and watch multiples episodes of Felicity. Speaking of...


I'm obsessed. I could BE Felicity. I feel such a kinship because we started college at the exact same time. Felicity was a little painful to watch during her freshman year - so awkward, so creepy! Was I that awkward and creepy? I really think I was. If only I had had access to the WB in the dorm, I might have seen her disasters and saved myself from repeating them. Finished Sophomore year today. Only two years left! Must savor. Boyfriend is also very caught up. He loves Javier. Always chuckling at Javier's antics, that boyfriend.

So there it is. I like my life in pictures.